Download sources from Github.
mkdir build
cd build
LIBEVENT_CORE_CFLAGS="-I$HOME/Softwares/libevent/include" LIBEVENT_CFLAGS="-I$HOME/Softwares/libevent/include" LIBEVENT_CORE_LIBS="-L$HOME/Softwares/libevent/lib -levent_core" LIBEVENT_LIBS="-L$HOME/Softwares/libevent/lib -levent" ../configure --prefix=$HOME/Softwares/tmux-3.2
make install
source ~/.tmux.conf
The problem: When you ssh -X
into a machine and attach
to an existing tmux session, the session contains the old $DISPLAY env
variable. In order the x-server/client to work properly, you have to
update $DISPLAY after connection. For example, the old $DISPLAY=:0 and
you need to change to $DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 for my ssh session to
perform x-forwarding properly.
The solution: When attaching to tmux session, update $DISPLAY for each tmux pane in that session. This is performed by using tmux send-keys to the shell, so unfortunately $DISPLAY will not update for other active processes (vim, top, etc…) Keep this file in your $PATH, so you can run update these panes manually later
Add to tmux.conf
set-hook -g client-attached 'run-shell /bin/'
# tmux will only send-keys to the following active processes
# Update $DISPLAY for each tmux pane that is currently running one of the $shell_grep processes
tmux list-panes -s -F "#{session_name}:#{window_index}.#{pane_index} #{pane_current_command}" | \
grep -E $shell_grep| \
cut -f 1 -d " " | \
xargs -I PANE tmux send-keys -t PANE 'eval $(tmux showenv -s DISPLAY)' Enter
Note: tmux 2.9 does not recognize DISPLAY
. You need to
use tmux 3.2.